
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Create your own iPhone ringtone

If you want a customized ring-tone for your iPhone,
Try this....
if I can do it, so can you!
For Mac users: 
  1. Open iTunes select the file/song that you want for make a ring-tone.
  2. Control Click on the song, select Get Info, select Options.
  3. Edit the Start and Stop times to be the 30 seconds (or less) segment that you want as the ring-tone, click OK.
  4. With the song still highlighted, Click on the Advanced Menu, and select Create AAC Version. (This will create what looks like a copy of the original song, but note the length of time, it should be 30 seconds or less. It will have the same name as the original and will show up BELOW the original.)
  5. Select the new file and drag it to the desktop. Click on the title to edit it. Change the extension from .m4a to .m4r (This makes it a ring-tone.)
  6. Back in iTunes, delete the duplicate file that you created that was only 30 seconds or less, as well as change the start and stop times back on the original song.
  7. Now drag the ring-tone from the desktop into your iTunes library, and it should now show up in the ring-tones section.
  8. Finally Sync your iPhone and you are done!
PC Users:
Same as above, except in step 2, you will right click to get the menu to change the start & stop time.
Good Luck and have fun creating your own iPhone ring-tones!